Seismic / Wind
Seismic / Wind
Floor / Roof Sheathing
Blast / Ballistics
Seismic / Wind

Seismic / Wind

Floor / Roof Sheathing

Blast / Ballistics

Sure-Board® Series 200 has been tested for 6.7+ Earthquake / Seismic Activity, Hurricane force winds, Mold resistant material and 1 and 2 hours Fire tests.
Sure-Board® Series 200W has been tested and approved for 1 and 2 hour fire results. Design your project with confidence, long-term savings and superior quality.
Sure-Board® Series 200S was the first 6-story CFS building to show no structural damage after being tested on UCSD’s shake table.
Sure-Board® Series 200B – Blast and Ballistics is the preferred non-combustible blast and ballistic wall designed specifically for Engineers and Architects.
Sure-Board® Series 200S was used on the first 6-story CFS building that showed no signs of structural damage after being tested on UCSD’s shake table.
(view test footage below)
Sure-Board® Advantages
- Most efficient non-combustible sheathing tested and certified nationwide to resist seismic and wind lateral forces on your building
- Steel sheet is applied to all approved gypsum and fiber cement sheathing for interior and exterior use
- Fire tested for all 1 to 4 hour certified assemblies approved nationwide
- Has been tested using reverse cyclic test protocol. The 6 story CFS structure tested at UCSD sustained no structural damage after MCE event.
- Sure-Board® when laminated to specific sheathing materials will resist moisture and mold growth after installation
- Sure-Board® Series 200B can be used for blast and ballistic scenarios